are not only a nuisance to humans, they also transmit
diseases such as malaria and dengue fever. To date,
these diseases continue to claim thousands of human
lives each year. All mosquitoes have 4 distinct
stages in their life cycle; the first three - egg,
larval and pupal - are spent in water. Moreover,
only a little stagnant water is necessary, thus
the vital importance of ensuring that our premises
are free of stagnant water. |
The Aedes mosquito is the main transmitter
of dengue fever, dengue haemorrhagic fever and the deadly
yellow fever. Its black body and legs have white spots
and stripes on them, thus they are sometimes known as
"Tiger mosquito". This species is very active in the day
and strongly attracted to humans for blood feeding.
The Aedes mosquito breeds in household containers such
as flower vases, in pot plates, water storage jars where
clean water is always present. It can also breed in roof
gutters, watering cans, tree holes, puddles and discarded
containers around the house where rainwater collects.
This is the most important common
vector of malaria. It has white or rusty-red spots on
its wings. It bites during the night. This species breeds
mainly in ground seepage, streams, ponds and swampy areas.
This light brown mosquito bites
in the night and it's bite is very itchy. One species
of the Culex mosquito is a big nuisance because the female
lays many eggs at a time which then hatch out into numerous
The Culex mosquito breeds in polluted water such as in
drains blocked with litter. Besides giving itchy bites,
they can transmit the horrible disease called elephantiasis
(the victim's limbs swell to a very huge size, resembling
elephant limbs).
The most effective means of containing
mosquitoes is to remove stagnant water so that they have
no place to breed.
1. Change water in containers at least once a week. It
takes only 7 days for any egg to become an adult.
2. If you need to store water, cover it to prevent adult
mosquitoes from breeding.
3. Check around your house for unused or unwanted items
that collect rain water. Roof gutters should be regularly
inspected for blockage.
4. Insecticide granules can be added to water in plant
bowls and plates beneath pots to kill the larvae. These
granules last 1 - 3 months.
5. If you want peace of mind, call SWAT
Pest Control for effective