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Fleas are external blood-sucking parasites that host on humans, dogs, cats, rats and other animals. They are often brought into homes by infested pet dogs and cats, or by rats. Fleas usually bite humans around the ankles and lower legs. The bite wound can develop into skin inflammation. Fleas are also carriers of human diseases, the most significant of which is the deadly plague, as well as murine typhus.
To reduce the likelihood of a flea infestation at home, follow these simple measures:

1. Maintain a high standard of cleanliness within your premises. Floors, carpets and upholstery should be vacuumed and cleaned frequently to remove adult fleas and eggs.
2. Infested pets should be treated by a veterinarian immediately.
3. Always keep pet bedding and surrounding areas clean. Keeping pets outdoors helps to reduce the flea problem indoors.
4. The homeowner must do the following just before the flea treatment:
 Remove all items such as toys and pillows off the floor or carpet
 Remove all articles from under beds, from closet floors, and from under furniture
 Vacuum all upholstered furniture, floors, and carpeting, paying particular attention to the foot of the furniture on which the pet rests, under furniture, and wall-floor junctions.
 The vacuum bag must be immediately removed and put into a plastic garbage bag, the top sealed, and then placed in an outside garbage receptacle or burned.
 Thoroughly clean all areas frequented by cats, e.g. table tops, refrigerator tops, window sills, counters, etc.
5. Mattresses, cracks and crevices in the floor, walls and beds should be treated with insecticides.
6. Fleas may be brought into your home by rats and mice infesting the house, so rodent control should also be considered.
7. You will need
SWAT Pest Control for a thorough solution.

Ticks are external parasites of animals and humans. They are not insects, rather, they come under the same grouping as spiders and other 8-legged creatures. These blood-suckers are mostly encountered outdoors.
Tick bites are itchy and irritating. Mainly found on and transported by domestic animals, they can bite and transmit diseases to both pets and humans. The dog tick is most likely to be encountered at home. While it seldom attacks humans, it reduces the dog's vitality and causes the pet to be irritable. The male tick is about 3mm long and reddish brown in colour. The female looks the same, but can grow to 12mm in length. The female dog tick engorges itself by feeding on the dog's blood. It then leaves the dog and finds a crack or crevice to lay some 1,000 - 3,000 eggs which hatch in about 2 - 8 weeks. Adult dog ticks are usually found around the ears and neck, or between the dog's toes. They are also often found on walls, curtains and window sills.

1. If your dog has been infested by dog ticks, bring your pet to the vet.
2. Clean the dog basket and places where the dog likes to frequent.
3. Treat these places with an insecticide.
4. Seal all cracks and crevices in the house where ticks can hide.
5. For a thorough and reliable service, cal
l SWAT Pest Controll.
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